
Traditionally, Ninjas are graded for recognition of their achievements and Ninja Code Academy is no exception.

Becoming a black Ninja is a personal journey…you CAN do it.

At the Ninja Code Academy, we strive to extract the best out of our Ninjas, independent of age or gender.

We support a “been there, done that” approach to learning, awarding badges when kids meet milestones, to be attached to the included smart & stylish tote bag.

Your Ninja Journey!

  • On that journey we aim to teach discipline, self-esteem, confidence, social skills, focus, concentration, team work and communication
  • These skills will all be nurtured and will benefit the Ninja in everyday life!
  • Maintaining an eye on progress and by passing key milestones, a Ninja is presented with the next level badge to be sewn on their smart & stylish tote bag and adorned with pride
  • Get to black and you can join an elite team of Ninja's, where you will be given the honour of helping support the courses and even teach!

Ninja Grading

Students will follow a 2 year programme to achieve and become the ultimate Black Ninja!!

Badges are awarded at each level of attainment in the following order:

Ninja Grading

Traditionally, Ninjas are graded for recognition of their achievements and Ninja Code Academy is no exception.

Becoming a black Ninja is a personal CAN do it.

On that journey you will learn discipline, self-esteem, confidence, social skills, focus, concentration, team work and communication.

All these skills are nurtured and will benefit the Ninja in everyday life!

At the Ninja Code Academy, we strive to extract the best out of our Ninjas, independent of age or gender.

We support a "been there, done that" approach which others will aspire to.

All Ninjas will become a Black Ninja after two years (6 terms), which is not to understate how much they will have learnt to get to that point!

Our program will give your child a great head start for them to be relevant in the industries of the future!

Read more about our course structure!

Call Uma for an informal chat!